04 June 2009

Girls day out !

Semalam , we've plan to go to KL . me , tasha andd aisyah . 9.30 , aisyah came our house . then , we called the taxi . as we arrived KTM section 19 , we quickly bought the train ticket . we just have to wait about 10 minutes . as we're in the train , we have to stand still about 30 minuts to arrived KL Sentral . after arrived there , we have ti take another monorel to stop us at the Jalan Imbi . then , we walked to the Time Squre . we arrived there about 11 o ' clock . andd there's nothing much has opened . we've made our decision to have out breakfast andd also lunch at Sushi King's . but , Sushi King's did not opened yet . so , we've have a drnk first at Mcdonald . after 11.30 , the Sushi King's was opened , we quickly 'serbu' the restaurant . hmm . we ate the kani kama maki , kani tama , edamame andd so on . Tasha asked aisyah to ate the edamame . then , aisyah was like ' urghhhhh ' 'x nk ' . ahaha . she said tht the edamame thing looks like 'petai' . ahahaha . next planned was , WINDOW SHOPPING . we get in this shop , we get in tht shop . but , we didn't bought anything . execept for tasha bought her sleeveless shirt . then , we walked all over the Time Square . Kemudian , we've walked to the Pavilion . for intention for watching a movie , but , there's no any interesting movie . pffft . hmm . Tasha brought us to jln2 all over the Pavilion pulakk . penat lah banggang ! ahaha . but , we have to . cause , i'm not really good about this jln2 . same goes to aisyah . nnt sesat pulak . tak boleh blk . :P then , umair text aisyah ' kt mane?' aisyah reply ' kt dpn echo park' . ok . next , kteorg jln2 lgy . umair text again ' kt mne ? kteorg dah dkt dpn echo park ni ' aisyah reply ' kteorg kt bwh . tunggu kt starbucks' . umair said 'ok' . kteorg pun jln menuju ke starbucks yg berhampiran dgn TGV . perghh . penat sial . jln2 kt starbucks 2 . x nmpk pulak si umair . kteorg pun call lah mamat tuh , die ckp ' cube kau masuk kt starbucks ni' and i was like ' weh banggang , kteorg dah dlm starbucks lah niy' . dah bnyk kali contact tp x jumpe jgk . hishhh . last2 , tasha ckp , ntah2 die kt starbucks atas . kteorg pun ckp maybe lah . so , kteorg pegy lah naik ats . finally , jumpe jugak mereka ( umair , raja , syabil) . arghhhhhhhh . hate them . semua mcm setan . dah jumpe dieorg , tiba2 umair ckp , die n aisyah nk pegy KL sentral blk , sbb nak ambik Ilyas . aku mcm ' wht the fuck ' takkan aku dgn tasha kne jln dgn setan2 yg lain ni . babibabibabi . hmm . aisyah n umair dah hilang dr pandangan . then , kteorg tny setan2 tu ,
nk pegy mana?' dieorg ckp ' kteorg ikut kau je' . ok . kteorg pun bwk lah mereka kt food court . sbb dieorg ckp dieorg nk mkn . dah samapi dkt food court , dieorg x nk mkn pulakk . babi ahh korang . buat penat aku jea . then , kne patah blk pegy BB . hmm . dierog ckp nk chicha . aku pun ajk lah tasha masuk metrojaya sementara tunggu aisyah blk . dieorg chicha sakan kt luar tuh . mcm ape je . then , aisyah call , die tny kt mane . aku pun jwb tunggu kt pavilion . tunggu lah die kt enterence pavilion , jumpe dieorg . pas2 , aku n tasha ajak aisyah jln2 . umair n ilyas pegy lepak dgn raja n syabil serta kwn2 syabil . aisyah tasha andd aku . jln2 . lps2 terfikir nk pergi RED box , then , pegy lah booking . sementare nk tunggu pukul 3 , kteorg jln2 lgy . masuk , miss T , Roxy , Nichhi , andd Forever 21 . aisyah n tasha nk beli something kt Roxy andd aku nk beli something kt Forever 21 . so , dieorg pun beli . execept for me . sbb x sempat nk withdraw . :(
pukul 3 , kteorg terus gerak RED BOX , so nyanyi lah kteorg mcm org gilaa . ahaha . tiba2 geng setan2 td , masuk dlm red box kteorg . pas2 kne marah dgn abg tuh . ahahahah . aku mcm 'YES ! " padan muke . hehe . lps2 , kteorg nyanyi sampai pukul 4,30 je . sbb tkt x smpt nk blk . tasha tiba2 ckp die x nk blk dgn kteorg . sbb kwn die baru sampai . dieorg nk tgk movie . hmm . jd , aisyah n aku TERPAKSA lah blk dgn setan2 tu . mase dlm perjalanan blk , syabil n raja sibuk nk jln sebelah aku . aku mcm ' apa masalah korang?' sempit tau x . ahaha . yg si syabil , semua harte aku die nk tgk . camera lahh . hp lahh . rimasss . then dlm KTM . dr kl sentral nk blk shah alam . kan 30 minutes mcm tuh . aku kne duduk sebelah syabil . raja n ilyas duduk dpn aku . aisyah andd umair banggang sbb tinggalkan aku jd mange setan2 . perghhhh . dieorg cerita semua 'blue' kott . ade satu mak cik ni , pandang je kteorg . aku nk je ckp , 'mak cik , saya budak baik , dieorg je yg suka sngt cerita' blue' ' . finally , sampai jgk kt shah alam . semua turun dr KTM . aku , aisyah , umair n raja nk satu cab . kteorg turun kt bus stop dpn cucur corner sbb nk tusyen tp x sempat nk masuk class BI . perghhh . so , kteorg masuk kelas geo je . ok lah tu . drpd x pegy langsung kan ? hehe . ok lahh . penat mengetaip niy . thank you for reading this stupid things . andd i'm so sorry if my english was so bad like sucks . hehe .