02 June 2009


f: wild and crazy
a: love to laughs
r : will make a good boyfriend
a : love to laughs
h : gives good hugs


A: loves to laugh
B: crazy at times
C: cute
D: smart
E: has beautiful eyes
F: wild and crazy
G: sexy
H: gives good hugs
I: very hot
J: likes someone
K: is very athletic
L: very good kisser
M: easy to fall in love with
N: very trustworthy
O: has the best personality ever.
P: popular with all types of people
Q: has a smile to die for
R: will make a good boyfriend or girlfriend
S: likes someone
T:very opened minded
U: is loved by everyone
V: not judgmental
W: very sexy
X: never lets people tell you what to do
Y: nice butt!
Z: makes dating fun


Anonymous said...

Discover a female version, too, that is definitely call a clitoris sizegenetics. In fact, all primates, apart from human beings, include a penis sizegenetics.That's nice to know, mainly because it means that foreplay and oral sex play a higher role inside of the sexuality of humans than overall other primates and most other mammals. Since a sizegenetics is neither utilized for your male or female about the human species (in order to get a penile or clitoral sizegenetics), that means we rely on more intimate foreplay and perhaps oral sex to stimulate our partners into become sexually engorged. It's one aspect that sets human beings regardless of our ape brothers and sisters.