18 March 2009

Friends mean a lot to me .

There're such people we could find hardly but easily go . But , it's different with my situation . I could easily get such a good friend and also a ervy bad friend . I just can't lose them easily because they're my friend that could make me happy if i'm in the problems . If i could not see or hang out with them even one day , i felt so sad .

Here , i would like to tell you about my best friend i've ever had.

Firstly ,
Anis : Anis is a very happy -go - lucky person . but , for this moment , she always sad because of several reasons . Anis is my partner for sharing something about HIM . right ? she always help me when i'm in trouble . She is also my partner as SCHOOL PREFECT . people in school named us 'action prefects' . wanna know why they named us like tht ? because , we're the spy for teachers . anything tht happen in the school , we will report to the teachers . ahaha . but , we're happy to be the responsible prefects right anis ? hmm . thats all about anis . i hope our friendship will be last long till the end of our life. :)
Secondly ,

Nori : Nori is my bff since 2007 . we're in the same class which is 1 azam . we always usha' te hottie guy right ? ahaha . it was really fun . we're seated infront of the door . so , it makes us easily for 'usha' HIM . :) because , his class is located infront of our class . hehe . Nori , i just wanna tell you tht , u're my best friend and i really appriciate everything tht we've been through together . imissyoulittlefriend <333

Lastly ,

Alia : Meet alia . She is a very cute friend . Fyi , the cutest among us . ahaha . We're being a friend since last year , 2008 which is we're in the same class (2 azam) . Alia helps me with the class activities such as a feast . hmm , this year , we're not meant to be in the same class . I was like very sad for leaving her . But , we're always reccess together . being one happy group . hehe . Alia , we're maybe not in the same class , but , we're always together no matter how okay ?
I'm gonna miss ur laugh and tears little friend . :(

That's what i mean about a true friend . i'll appriciate all those things that you makes me felt so happy every single second . iloveyousofuckingdamnmuch <333


daddy's little girl ^_^ said...

fa! so sweet la ;') remeber this I WILL NEVER 4GET YOU FA kite janji! sume bdak2 3azam sedey sgt coz awk takde ;( rinduu la

<33 fa muaahhx ;")

Farah Syuhada said...

thanxx alia .
i love you so much . :)
fyi , kte pon seday . x de korang cm x best ohh . boring gilaa . :(
but , wht to do en ? life must go on . :)

Anonymous said...

i love you too babe. ;D
thanxx 4 everthing.
ily <33.

Jia said...

kte x de??!!haha
acah jer... :]
xpe kte fhm!!!!!he3