13 March 2009


Its been so long , i've never post any blog since last month . hmm . i'm quite busy now . with all those important things . family , study , friends , cheerleading , and much more . but , today , i'm
not so busy . so , we'll going to see wht happen to me today .

7.00 - 10.30 : in class , SMK Section 7 , Shah Alam
10.30 - 12.30 : in the library , help teacher to send those school holidays homeworks to all form 3 student .
12.30 - 3.00 : cheerleading practise , something bad happen to one of our team were injured . but , i guess she should be okay now . (i hope so)
3.15 : finally , i reached at home . and start chatting in the internet access .

ahahaha . i felt so tired but in the same time , i was so happy spending time with my friends , juniors and seniors . :)

gotta go now . wanna have some lunch and finally get on the bed . hehe . :P

bye bye guys .


Anonymous said...

kesian ouh adlin. aku pon harap die ok.

Farah Syuhada said...

yeahh . i hope so. x pasal2 bukak skola nnt kne sound ngn cikgu . sumpah . tkt gilaa . :(

haha said...

yeah, kesian dkt adlin. hope she'll fine :D farah sgt busy skrgg.