15 December 2009

Hard Rock , Penang :)

Went to Penang for only 3 days . We did spent our night at Hard Rock Hotel which is located at Jalan Low Yat , Batu Feringgi , Pulau Pinang . It is a new hotel there .

This is the schedule of our's ,

9th December
Arrived at Hard Rock Hotel . Went for a walk inside the hotel , took some pictures , swimming , andd , hand a crazy moments at the beach , we did ride the jet ski . And scream like crazy like the whole hotel could listen me . HAHA . Then , having our dinner at The Ship :) ate Sirloin Steak which is my favourite steak ever .

10th December
Woke up at 8 am . Went to the breakfast cafe . ate nasi lemak , and 2 pieces of burnt toast ( HAHA ) , drink fresh milk and some orange juice . Next , we jumped into the swimming pool . swim swim swim . Then , went back to our rooms to take a shower . curl my hair , wore new white & purple dress ( OMG i love it so much , haha ) . Took pictures at the looby of Hard Rock Hotel , and off to Eden Seafood Restaurant . Ate my favourite food , again which is crab & prawn . wheee . so delicious ! :P While the parents were eating , we're , the cousins , went for a walk along Batu Feringgi . bought souvenirs for my friends :) Lastly , get back to hotel , watched the live band at the lobby . Finally , went back to our rooms , texting with him , and say goodbye world . haha

11th December
Today , we woke up at 7.30 . As usual , ate nasi lemak & mango juice . Next , swim at the swimming pool with dearest cousins till 11.30 am . Then , went upstairs and take a shower and off to shah alam :(

Have a look at these pictures ,