25 July 2009

Something About Me

My name is Farah Syuhada . You can call me farah , Ive been away from this blog for a long time . I'm fifteen . I'm quite tall , 50 kg , with boobs and butt . And i like the way i am . I'm SINGLE but not available for this moment . cause , Pmr is around the corner . honestly , i'm such a lazy girl . I'm talkative , NOT friendly , I'm hyper . the most important thing , I'm a shopaholic . I love spending my money on clothes , shoes andd handbags . I love photograph . but , I'm not a good photographer .

friends ? Anis Amni Rohime , she's my bestest friend . always share about boys thingyy .
Syafiza Suhaimi , she's my twin . we're get things the same . go somewhere together .
Nazreen Kamsol , ohh . i do love her very muchh . just know her this year . we're classmate . she's hyper , talkative and in love with H . sweet couple okayy ? :)

I think , that's all for now . Gotta go . help my muumy with her works . Hope you enjoy reading this blog .

Goodbye !
with love ,
Farah :D