10 May 2009

9th May 2009

Today is my birthday . ( but not for real , just for the celebration only) . the actual date of my birthday is 17th may (wish me yeahh :) ) . hmm . we're start the party at 4 . at KFC , section 13 .
there're many people . these are the names : nazreen , neesa , era , watif , mai , fariza , alia , nori , ayu , dayah , syafinaz , fathihah , yaun , syaira , andd siapa lagi ? sudah x ingat lol . hehe .
before we arrived there , nazreen n i bought the laughing gas . as we arrived , my dad bought for us the KFC . then , we ate the chicken , whipped potato , coeslow , pepsi . after tht , we wait untill 5 pm just for anis alia . she said tht ' jgn potong kek dulu selagi i belum dtg ' , so we hve to wait for her . around 5.10 she arrived there and we immediately cut the cake . then , we've planned to play outside . all of us start to be like monkey- monkeys around the skatepark . ahahaha .
we've capture some crazy pictures . andd they played the laughing gas . about 6.45 , they are about to go back . and there's only left nazreen , mai , watif , era , neesa , fariza , ain , anis , amal , atikah , sofea n me . we've waited until the azan finished , then , we're capture more andd more stupid pictures at the night . 7.45 pm : my mom andd dad come back to fetch me n sofea . everyone was gone to their house .

p/s : i just want to said thank you so much to my parents for their supportive . andd to nazreen for helping me planned this happy dauy since last week . i love you so much <333