04 December 2008

miss my old best friends .

wahh . x boley percaye . semalam aku menangis sbb terlalu rindu my old best friends . hmm . semalam saya main msg sama dia . dia ckp .
'i syg u gila babi ! i thu snce ade THEM kte jd berpecah2 . i x nk u tinggalkan i tau . i syg u sngt . i'm sorry if i just broke ur heart farah ! syg , i n ***** x pernah nk pinggirkan you , tp , sbb you je yg terlampau bz ,kte yg dipinggirkan . fah . i ngn ***** bkn trpksa kwn ngn you tau . i nk kwn ngn you sbb ur the best among the best fah !you ckp x de siapa syg you ? i syg you lh fah ! tp , youu je x nmpk . and btw , i just wanna tell you i xkan tinggalkan you even though i pindah jauh mne pn ok syg .'
so , since i read tht msg . i trus menangis oh . sbb don't u thing tht is so sad ? sampai aku bru bgn tido td , my maid ckp . 'fah ! knp mate bengkak' . i ckp je semalam tido lmbt . hmm .
to , my sygggg .
i do love u guys until the end of my life .
thanx 4 being such a good friend .


~xeos~ said...

sape la yg ko ckpkan 2 hah....please add me at zoombee90.blogspot tq

~xeos~ said...

nice story

Farah Syuhada said...

adelah sorang umat islam niy . ahahaha . thanx for the comment yea ! :)