02 January 2010

Words to say for New Year

A happy New Year !
Grant that I may bring no tear to any eye
When this New Year in time shall end
Let it be said I've played the friend
Have lived and loved and labored here
And made of it a happy year.

2010 :)

SO LONG 2009 , WELCOME 2010 :)

28 December 2009

Tired Tired Tired !

i'm not going to post any blog this moment . i'm busy with those works .

decorate my room , clean the house , wash dishes and so much more .

need some rest . so long , bloggers :)

take care <3 :D


grrr , went to schl for recieve my PMR result , guess wht i've got ? Nahhh . pls don't ask me anymore . i'm tired of answering those questions . i've made up my mind , and i'll be in account class next year . goshhh , can't wait for 2010 .

New class , New enviroment , New friends , New teachers & New subject :)

15 December 2009

Hard Rock , Penang :)

Went to Penang for only 3 days . We did spent our night at Hard Rock Hotel which is located at Jalan Low Yat , Batu Feringgi , Pulau Pinang . It is a new hotel there .

This is the schedule of our's ,

9th December
Arrived at Hard Rock Hotel . Went for a walk inside the hotel , took some pictures , swimming , andd , hand a crazy moments at the beach , we did ride the jet ski . And scream like crazy like the whole hotel could listen me . HAHA . Then , having our dinner at The Ship :) ate Sirloin Steak which is my favourite steak ever .

10th December
Woke up at 8 am . Went to the breakfast cafe . ate nasi lemak , and 2 pieces of burnt toast ( HAHA ) , drink fresh milk and some orange juice . Next , we jumped into the swimming pool . swim swim swim . Then , went back to our rooms to take a shower . curl my hair , wore new white & purple dress ( OMG i love it so much , haha ) . Took pictures at the looby of Hard Rock Hotel , and off to Eden Seafood Restaurant . Ate my favourite food , again which is crab & prawn . wheee . so delicious ! :P While the parents were eating , we're , the cousins , went for a walk along Batu Feringgi . bought souvenirs for my friends :) Lastly , get back to hotel , watched the live band at the lobby . Finally , went back to our rooms , texting with him , and say goodbye world . haha

11th December
Today , we woke up at 7.30 . As usual , ate nasi lemak & mango juice . Next , swim at the swimming pool with dearest cousins till 11.30 am . Then , went upstairs and take a shower and off to shah alam :(

Have a look at these pictures ,